Sunday, March 30, 2008

Somebody forgot their shoes...

How do you forget a pair of shoes this big? Oh well, finders keepers. :) no one has space in their luggage for this. Sigh.
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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Pre-birthday gift for Sara

Ouch. :)
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Thursday, March 27, 2008

I'm glad I'm at the left

Only 3 more days!!!
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Monday, March 24, 2008

Loco loco moco!!!

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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Nick and his bunny loofah

He needed to exfoliate.
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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Close enough

Check out the name of this company.
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Monday, March 17, 2008

Getting completely crushed...

OMG - I went from being up almost 25% last year to being down 1% now... I can't believe this. The market is completely insane. I should've sold when I had a chance... sigh. GREED!!! Ah well, long term investor right? Hopefully it will pick back up in 3-5 years.

At least I'm not at Bear Stearns. 14,000 employees who saw a stock go from $170 to $2 in a year... I might not make as much money as a banker, but definitely less risk/fluctuation. At least I'm not going to be laid off any time soon. Next up, Lehman - I hope they survive since I interned there.

I wonder what happens if the whole financial sector melts down since they're all interconnected. Will the US government really bail them all out?

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Chug chug chug!

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Losers have to shotgun

Good thing we won. :)
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Friday, March 14, 2008

Made it!!!

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What an airport

So even with an escort who picked us at the gate, helped us get our boarding passes, drove us on a special van to another terminal, and got us to the VIP security lane it took almost an hour to get to my gate. Not to mention the random security check I had to endure and another bus ride to get to the plane. Insane.

And best of all, there continues to be a stream of winded people running towards the gate. There's no chance in hell this flight could leave on time if they wait for connecting flights. Who schedules this as a connection?

Although this still beats sitting at Heathrow for 4 hrs for a connecting flight which was what I was originally on. Air travel at its best.
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Running on the tarmac

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Caught up

Ok, plane just landed at scheduled time, but been taxi_ing for the past 10mins. What is up with the Paris airport?

Need to stop by transfer desk to get boarding pass (system issue in Helsinki) and rush to other plane.

Go go go!
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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Taking off 30 mins late...

This is going to be exciting - 1 hour transit time in Paris and my flight from Helsinki is taking off 30 mins late... Let's hope it gains some time in the air.
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Random statue

I'm sure he's impt for something.
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Pretty halibut

Not a lot of food, but exquisite.
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Polento with braised duck

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I am becoming a shoe lover. Supposedly designed by some famous Japanese guy. Slip-on! Too bad I really don't need more shoes.
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Sweet church

No idea what this is but looks pretty cool

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Cute room

Supposedly one of the most famous hotels in the world.
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Helsinki Hotel Kamp

Last stop - Helsinki. :)

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Boooo Meridien

Sure I got a nice room, but this wonderful Jr suite didn't even have an iron. Worse yet, they ran out of irons at the hotel so I had to pay 30 EUR to get a suit and shirt ironed. Ridiculous.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Built in meter

Pretty sweet - the taxi meter is built into the rear view mirror in the Mercedes taxi here in Munich.
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Of all the things that last 650 yrs...

Beer. Seriously, how does beer survive? The world is a very strange place.
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Mark's sausages

Lots of sausages for Mark.
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Awww yeah

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Old town hall

Smack in the middle of downtown Munich. That's what the US is missing.
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Munich at night

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Le meridian munich

A kittle far from downtown but decently nice. Got upgraded to jr suite. Starwood platinum's not bad. :)
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Deja vu

So very strange. I just realized that I was also in Munich almost a year ago en route to training. To think of all the places in the world I could end up in a year that I would return to Paris and Munich. I guess people would call me "lucky".
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"Business class"

Air France business class to Munich - economy with middle seat blocked out. Nice.
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View from dt office

What a view from the balcony in the dt client office. Very refreshing.
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The tower

Check out the lousy pic of the tower. :)

Nicer day today. Heading into the office now. :(
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Monday, March 10, 2008

Thinking of my baby

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Dead bar in paris

Monday night emptiness. Let me go home and sleep already.
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Big sky

Never really seem to see this much sky. Heading out to the country to the client office.
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Back at the prince de gaulle

I'm back in Paris at the same hotel after almost exactly a year. Last year I was here with my family and got the royalty treatment. This year I'm here for work and definitely not as nice. At least I have platinum status :)

Freezing cold and rainy right now. Joy.
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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Things change so quickly

Just had lunch with another one of my old bosses, who like everyone else I've caught up with here is in a new role. Just heard a bunch of other folks I've worked with before changed their roles too. What a crazy place. You have to wonder how anuything gets done with so many people moving around so often.

Of course I guess I'm not one to talk. :)
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Monday, March 3, 2008

Improved food

Mongolian grill at the caferteria.
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