Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Sweet photo editing

By using some crazy algorithms, these folks are able to change the size of pictures without messing them all up by getting rid of the "boring" parts. I wonder how long before Adobe licenses this from them.

Monday, August 20, 2007


I'm not sure why but this is one of the first times when I saw something on the self and just REALLY wanted it. Good thing I still have some self-control. $120 shoes is just a little ridiculous... I can't believe I'm all excited about shoes... wtf.


I have no idea how people (e.g. Sakura) can spend all this time surfing the internet. I've read a bunch of news sites, configured an iGoogle page, accepted Facebook requests, cleaned out my work and personal inbox, and watched a bunch of cool soccer videos on YouTube. I even looked up Red Vs. Blue again and started watching that...

Ugh. The thing that sucks is that I'm just waiting around for a deck from the client for the work to hit. Dum dee dum dee dum.

Btw, there's this random beer garden (really just a restaurant that serves beer) in the middle of a Japanese garden down here in San Diego. Went there for lunch. Pretty cool.

Oh and someone just told me that Sushi Ota is the best sushi restaurant on the whole West Coast - supposedly they fly all their fish in from Japan. Can't seem to find it on any website though - is it that good?

I almost forgot - now I'm just shopping online. Just makes me want to buy stuff. BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY!!! Boredom is so dangerous...

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

GOOG under $500? AAPL under $120?

Oh and of course MSFT is under $29. Good thing I got out at $31. Wow looks like the market is really starting to crash now. The S&P is actually down for 2007 after 10% gains for the past 2 years. MUST BE PATIENT. Need to wait out the slump. dum dee dum dee dum...

In my job, sometimes it's crazy busy, and sometimes we don't have much to do - I guess that's similar to lots of other jobs. The annoying thing is that because we're always on site, there's not a whole lot we can do when we're not busy. There's some talk about being proactive, but most of that is just busy work.

I just want to go play. :)

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Up and down and up and down and...

What the heck is going on with the market? You think it's going to crash, and then it picks up the next day, and then you think everything's fine, and then it tumbles again. So ridiculous.

Still keeping myself liquid for now earning my 5%, but I wonder at what point I'll be comfortable with the market? Now I'm just making some small investments in things I use - e.g. Nintendo which has already made such a run this year, but we just got a Wii and it's just ridiculously fun. And my brother and sister can't put their hands down their DS - my little bro kindly reminded me that all his cousins have one. Oh and I can't believe Pokemon is still popular.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

New city!

Denver, CO

Denver has an uncannily large airport considering no major airline has their hub here. Took about 45 mins to get to the hotel although the cab ride wasn't too bad. Was talking to the cab driver the whole time. He was going to be DJ-ing at a bar after he dropped me off. He's also an aspiring musician. Judging from his looks - long shaggy hair, white, scrawny - I pinned him as rock & roll if anything. Turns out, he does hip hop. I even got him to rap for me - his band's called Captain Fresh and his whole act is that he comes out in a bath robe and shower cap like he just came out of the shower... and you wonder why he's driving cabs...

In the hotel lobby waiting for the client to arrive now. We have to look through a deck and then I have to rush off to Kinko's to get it printed for tomorrow morning. Splendid. Naturally all their flights were delayed.

Considering how much I see her, I am constantly surprised how much I miss my Sakura. Our time together this week was shorter than usual, but we definitely had fun. We got Rayman Raving Rabbits for the Wii, and that was just deadly. Can't wait for the new one in November. I guess in the end, it's time spent together is about quality, not quantity.

Oh and we got people some presents this weekend. A necklace each for her mom and my step-mom for their birthdays. Naruto 3 for one little sister, and Cooking Mama and Bratz Ponies for my other little sister. Hopefully they're not lame.

Ok, back to waiting. Sweet.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

When in doubt, do nothing...

Usually when I have doubts/reservations about doing something, my first instinct is to not do it. The funny thing is of course, is that because I've realized that's the way I am, more often than not, I end up overcompensating and forcing myself to do something against my gut feel.

It was like that when I bought these shares in this really stupid timeshare thing - ultimate scam - and now, having learned my lesson, I guess I'm going to stick with my instincts on buying a house. I was really looking forward to being a land baron - owning a place that we could fix up and enjoy - but after the thunderstorm my little house buying parade went through, it's just very hard to justify.

My plan is to leave Seattle in 2-3 years. Not sure where to yet, but we're definitely going to move to a different city. As such, the only way it would make sense for me to buy a house is if I could rent it out to almost cover the mortgage, or the home value skyrocketed so I can sell it. I actually modeled the rent and invest down payment scenario and compared it to the down payment and buy scenario, and there's a rough break even point at about 7-8 years, at which point it's all better to own a house. Sadly, that's not my time horizon for actually living in it. Although we could get someone to manage the home for us afterwards, given the slim likelihood that we would actually ever live there later in life, and the hassle/cost of managing the renting process, the math just doesn't add up.

So I'm back to being cash rich and home poor. Now the question is what to do with the cash? The stock market is all over the place, the bond market is stagnant... what to do what to do...

Oh btw, I'm super annoyed that I missed out on Garmin - I said I was going to buy them like a month ago, but I've been holding my money for the house in case I was going to buy one, and of course, GRMN went up 10% today. ARGH!!!

I guess I just need the market to correct again before I buy in. In the meantime, it's a renter's life for me.

The end of the tale...

How sad - I just finished reading the last Harry Potter book and as always at the end of a good story, I feel a sense of loss and bittersweetness. It's quite strange since not only is the story fictional, but it's just from words on a page - I wonder why it has such an effect on me.

As such, I'm always excited to see more information about what happens afterwards and there's a chat with Rowling on Bloomsbury where she talks about what jobs Harry (head of Auror), Herminone (ministry of care of magical creatures/magical law enforcement), Ron (runs the crazy toy business with George), and Ginny (stay at home mom - boo.. she should've been a bad ass auror too) have later on, and other random stuff.

Sigh.. back to work. Bye Harry Potter - thanks for the good times.