Monday, February 26, 2007

City of Angeles

The wave of warmth when you get off the plane makes you wonder why any one lives anywhere else. The wave of traffic that you hit on the highway makes you wonder why any one lives here.
  • Minimum time between two destinations - 1 hour
  • Maximum number of destinations you can travel to in a day - 2
  • Minimum amount to fill up a tank - $50
  • Average temperature - 63F (Seattle 53F, NY 54F)
  • Average clear days - 147 (Seattle 71)
  • State income tax - 7% or so

Pick your poison. Lose time and money for good weather.

Got to catch a Clippers game while I was there. Awesome seats courtesy of my step-mom.

From Los Angeles

From Los Angeles

From Los Angeles

Sadly even at the Clippers game, your still constantly reminded which is the real LA team...

From Los Angeles

Kobe's always larger than life...

From Los Angeles

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Updated plans

Ok, here's my updated travel schedule:
  • 2/24-3/1: LA visiting my dad
  • 3/1-3/4: HK visiting my mom
  • 3/5-3/6: Shanghai with my step-dad
  • 3/7-3/9: Kuala Lumpur with step-dad
  • 3/10-3/16: HK, Shenzhen, Macau (tentative)
  • 3/17-3/20: Tokyo with Sara
  • 3/21-3/25: Kyoto with Sara
  • 3/29-4/9: Rome, Venice, Florence, and Paris with my parents and little sister
  • 4/9-4/13: New Delhi (tentative)
  • 4/13-4/16: HK
  • 4/16-4/18: Beijing (tentative)
  • 4/18-4/20: Shanghai (tentative)
  • 4/20-4/24: Hong Kong (for now)
  • 4/24-5/5: Seattle
  • 5/6-5/24: Kitzbuhel, Austria for training

Let me know if you're going to be at any of these places or nearby. Would love to catch up.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Hi wall, meet my head

Two teenagers started myYearbook and are doing about a million plus in revenue 2 years after launch. Unbelievable. (yes MSN is so lame they don't even have a way for you to just embed this in a non-Space blog)

They have some cool features though - like the fact you can bully people virtually. That seems pretty messed up, but that just shows I'm too old for this stuff now, which only increases how depressing this all is.

My only consolation is that at least I still might be able to find a job in China. According to this article, there's a shortage of managerial talent in the services sector today, even though they graduate a ton of people every year. Interestingly, the biggest limiting factor is English proficiency. Better start investing in some English teaching institutes in China.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Stupid mind over matter...

It's unbelievable how much your body lets you push yourself when you put your mind to it. Mind over matter eh? I played 3 games of indoor soccer on Monday as part of Zunited - the Zune team at the retail summit. I would post the scores for the games, but that would just be embarrassing. Not something I would want to remember.

It's also unbelievable how much your body punishes you for doing that.
Day 1 - can't lift my legs, arms. Pain basically all over, even when not doing anything...
Day 3 - no pain when I'm stationary but still dragging when moving...
Now - still sore...

My muscles better step up and feel better soon. Elevator in my building is being repaired next week so it's all stairs everyday for me, otherwise it's gonna be bad...

Friday, February 9, 2007

Time to see the world


I now have my end date, 2/23, and start date, 5/6, so it's time to figure out what I'm going to be doing the for the 2 months in between.

So far, here's where I'll be:
  • 2/24-3/1: LA visiting my dad
  • 3/1-3/5: HK visiting my mom
  • 3/6-3/14: Shanghai and other cities in China with my step-dad
  • 3/17-3/20: Tokyo with Sara
  • 3/21-3/25: Kyoto with Sara
  • 3/29-4/9: Rome, Venice, and Paris with my parents and little sister
  • 4/9-4/12: Bangkok
  • 4/12-4/24: Hong Kong (for now)
  • 4/24-5/5: Seattle

And then on 5/6, I start work in Austria for 3 weeks of training. I'm psyched!!!

To "b", or not to "b"

The season of people departing to b-school is upon us once again. Every year around this time, we bid farewell and good luck to our fellow co-workers who are off to 2 years of "training" in hopes of securing a better future.

A good friend of mine got into HBS, GSB, Kellogg, and Sloan - 4 for 4, not too shabby. I got accepted by HBS, but once again was turned down by Stanford (they rejected me for undergrad as well). I spoke to 2 people this week about HBS, once who's there now, and another who's an alum, and describing their opinion as bullish would be an understatement. The reasons they cite seem to be around:

  • Accelerate Salary Increase
    Fortune has an article on what MBAs expect to be paid coming out of school. Surprisingly, their expected pay from their first job is very realistic - I make that much today and I've been working 3 years with no MBA. However, judging from their responses on their expected salaray 5 years out, the value of the MBA is really about the longer term investment in their career. Naturally there is a huge discrepancy in salary based on the business school you attend. Rumor has it that an average HBS graduate gets $130K. This is the primary reason I hear that consultants and investment bankers go to business school, especially since only 20% of the people get to go from analyst to associate.
  • Learn How Businesses Work aka Career Change
    P&Ls, balance sheets, and cash flow statements - the life and blood of any finance major, and the bane of any tech geek or liberal arts major. It's amazing how a few finance and accounting classes in college can put you so far ahead of so many people in the real world. It's definitely hard to change industries and job functions once you get started down a certain path. Then you hear about how many people actually slack off in bschool so you have to wonder how much of this is perception versus reality - which brings us to...
  • Take a break
    Bschool is one of the most expensive "vacations" you'd ever take, but at least it's a vacation that has you coming out with something that will help you earn more money in the long run. To be fair, I do know a few people who are just burnt out and need to recharge their batteries, so I do understand why this is appealing to them. Plus you'll make some good friends, or so I hear.
  • Networking
    It's funny. When you call it "making friends" or "being social" it sounds so good and idealistic, but when you call it "networking", it just sounds dirty. Although folks usually go into bschool with the previous 3 as their main objectives, I'd expect that this final one is what ends up being the most rewarding and helpful in the long run. When it comes to life, it's all about "guanxi".
  • Rite of Passage
    Will the MBA become the B.S./B.A. of our generation? I haven't experienced a glass ceiling yet, but I could imagine how frustrated I would be if it turns out that the MBA is a requirement for advancement somewhere down the line.

The problem is, I would only go for the last 2 of the 5 reasons, and that makes it a little difficult to justify 2 years and 150K... Besides, I can't imagine having to study and go to class everyday, spend night and day worrying about recruiting with 900 type A people, and most importantly, dealing with the BLISTERING cold. 7 years of that is more than enough for me. Plus it means I'm a 5 hour plane ride away from my other half. :(

So I'm very happy with my decision.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

MSN is so lame...

OMG, so I was feeling a little bad for the underdog since it seems like all the videos I post here are from YouTube, so I went to see what Soapbox was like. Firstly, they're in beta and they're only letting people in through invitations (I'm in the beta, but come on, who do I share with? The other 20K geeks out there?). Secondly, they don't even own The Montley Fool does.

No wonder Google bought YouTube. They are the default video site, and no one, well at least not Microsoft, is close.

The power of speech

J Allard (I can't believe he has an entry in wikipedia that's actually up-to-date) spoke at the Zune all hands meeting today and I must say, he's a great speaker. Unlike BillG or Ray Ozzie who speak rather matter-of-fact-ly during their discussions, J really makes you think that he truly believes in what he does. After hearing him speak, I'm almost tempted to stay and take on Everest with him (he used climbing mountains as a metaphor). Now that's a good speech.

It's kind of strange how speech can change people's minds, make people do things, and trigger all sort of emotions. I understand how that works for someone you have a relationship with like your family or your friends, but for some random person you see on a podium, why does your mind react?

Of course, when you see stuff like this on stage, you can't help but feel amused... ;)

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Bored of chores

These past few days I've had a little more free time than usual, and my girlfriend has had a little less due to midterms. As such, I've been doing a little more than my share of chores, which is totally reasonable. In the midst of putting on the newly laundered pillow cases, I started to think about what it would be like if I ended up a house-husband - basically just doing chores all day. Freaked me out. It's unbelievable to me that there are 1) people that do that, and 2) people that WANT to do that.

I know a few girls that wanted to be a housewife all their life, and I used to think that's completely reasonable, if not enviable. I wanted to just be taken care of an not have to stress about work. But now with just a little taste of it, I'm clearly not built for that. Oh well, I guess I'll have to have a job the rest of my life after all.

I'm just spoiled.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Not everyone's drinking the Apple-aid

I guess Microsoft's not the only company that gets mocked. Pretty creative.

Then again, you have someone paying big bucks to bash Microsoft, so who needs random people.

It's nice to be the underdog. I would love to see Microsoft be more aggressive with its advertising in markets where we are facing an uphill battle. Instead, we just end up having aspirational ads that don't really tell you anything like this.

Monday, February 5, 2007

The farther you go...

The farther you go from somewhere, the more impressive your name and title are. Works like that for colleges, and turns out, for Microsoft as well. Here's a friend of mine who's toiling in the trenches like myself, but the video is entitle: Microsoft Exec describes Vista features.

Sweet. Go big.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Old school

I just found out yesterday that the general manager of my team helped ship the original Zelda. THE ORIGINAL ZELDA! How awesome is that!?!?!? Totally legendary.

What's even funnier is that he actually worked on the commercials - OMG.

I wonder if 20 years from now, my kids will be in awe that I worked on the first version of Zune, or that I was around when Xbox 360 and Vista shipped... I guess it is pretty cool to be able to say that. There really aren't a lot of places you can work on things that are "legendary".

Thursday, February 1, 2007

OMG - it's here!

Only 5 and a half more months! This is probably much more anticipated than Vista...
(although I'm running it now and it's pretty sweet)