Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Hi wall, meet my head

Two teenagers started myYearbook and are doing about a million plus in revenue 2 years after launch. Unbelievable.

http://video.msn.com/v/us/v.htm?g=8485b448-e738-49b8-800b-0fc6d4fbf86d&f=imbot_us_default&fg=copy (yes MSN is so lame they don't even have a way for you to just embed this in a non-Space blog)

They have some cool features though - like the fact you can bully people virtually. That seems pretty messed up, but that just shows I'm too old for this stuff now, which only increases how depressing this all is.

My only consolation is that at least I still might be able to find a job in China. According to this article, there's a shortage of managerial talent in the services sector today, even though they graduate a ton of people every year. Interestingly, the biggest limiting factor is English proficiency. Better start investing in some English teaching institutes in China.

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