Tuesday, July 10, 2007

"Hey this should be pretty easy..."

"...why don't you just put this together tonight - shouldn't take you more than 10 mins."

Hey, why don't I just give you a swift kick in the nuts?

After flying in on a redeye to attend a very useless meeting of a few partners pondering life's great mysteries (blah blah blah - repeat, repeat), spending the day frantically getting stuff done, waiting around to chat with the partner only to continue to get blown off, then go home and wait 2 hours for a conference call with the team, only to also have that cancelled, and then right before I planned to go to bed, get a call from this guy - man....

This is why we need video games - so there's an outlet for aggressive - not because it makes you aggressive. Would've been good to throw a car at someone or something last night.

1 comment:

Sara Songi said...

sorry babes.. wish i could be there to help :(