Wednesday, July 4, 2007

v1 is supposed to suck...

I don't think Apple got the memo - v1's are supposed to suck and you're supposed to at least wait until the service pack comes out before you go out and buy it. I guess they're following in Nintendo's footsteps.

Good thing Sony and MS can still be counted on for shipping crappy v1 products, otherwise where would we be?

The iPhone's not bad, but $599 for a phone plus 2 year contract is hurting. Oh and the damn thing gets hot.

Still lots of rumors that Google's working on a phone. Picture a future where Apple owns the media phone space (when they start offering a TV service, then it's all over), Google owns the feature phone space, and MS owns the productivity phone space. Other than Apple, the other two don't even have to make their own phones - and all the poor OEMs become just like the PC OEMs - box makers. Lovely.

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