Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Big movie summer

Paprika - this anime looks insane, but really interesting. I like the catchy tune too.

The 3rd Pirates also looks sick - and they have Chow Yun Fat!

Holy cow! There's a new Die Hard!!! OMG!!! That's awesome!

I can't believe they're making a Bruce Almightly sequel... that just seems random. Although I guess Steve Carell isn't a bad substitute for Jim Carey. Looks like they're having him build an ark though. Hahaha, I'm laughing already.

Transformers.... drool....

And of course there's Spiderman and Shrek too.... WHY DO I HAVE TO WORK!?!?!?

1 comment:

Sara Songi said...

i watched spider3 yesterday.. disappointed.. :(.. sorry to burst your bubble.. you're probably going to watch it anyways.. so if u get the chance in austria, go ahead.. i already watched it and would definitely NOT watch it again :(