Thursday, April 19, 2007

Precious and fragile...

On Monday I had lunch with my sister and an old friend. He was complaining that he woke up with some pain in his right chest and it kind of hurt while he was breathing, but we all thought it was some muscle pain since he works out 3 times a week. Luckily he was going to the doctor in the afternoon to have it checked out. The doctors sent him home, but told him to monitor it.

Turns out it was a pulmonary embelism - a blood vessel burst. Smart man went to the hospital and he ended up staying in the ICU.

To think though, he's a pretty healthy guy - been on South Beach for a while now, and he goes to the gym 3 times a week - and boom, just like that. The doctors think it's from the changing in pressure from his flights to and from Hawaii last week, but come on, we all fly all the time! I just flew 15 hours to get back to Seattle!

It's pretty fortunate he happened to be in Hong Kong where my sister and mom can help keep on eye on him. He's a single guy living with a roommate he never sees. It's pretty scary to think what would happen in a less developed country and you were really all alone.

Really makes you think about how precious and fragile we really are. All the money in the world can't buy you health or people to care about you when you need it.

Vinny, get well soon big guy.

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