Saturday, April 7, 2007

Lazy Rome/Florence/Venice/Paris photo recape

Can't seem to log into my blog from Paris even though Picasa has some way that it can't post things, so just a lazy post on a lazy Saturday afternoon in Paris.

Yes I went on the trip with my mom, dad, and little sister, and no you don't see any pictures of them, not because I'm narcisstic (which I am), but because they are very much against having their pictures online. This whole voyeur thing really is a teen-twenties craze.

Tagging along on my dad's business trip to Mumbai tomorrow. Going to be my first time in India. Sweet.

P.S. It is great to have pictures to help my memory. Although I do miss my other half, I miss her even more when I look at our pictures together and remember how great it is to be with her, even if we're not doing any thing. Only 11 more days! Boy I sound like a girl...
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1 comment:

Sara Songi said...

i thought u email me before u blog, i havent received an email from u for quite awhile.. although u did mention me in your blog.. ok, you're forgiven.. 11 days!!!
elephant juice