Thursday, April 26, 2007


Our couch from Dania was delivered this morning, remember the one I was all excited about a few posts ago? Well sadly the excitement was short lived. Firstly the delivery people were an hour late, so I ended up having to move my other call back (great first impression). Secondly, the quality was just crap.

There's spots on parts of the leather:

There's two scratch marks on the back:

The sections don't even connect correctly - it's off and there's a gap:

There are these weird deep lines on the cushsion that you can feel when you rub your hand over it:

There's another scratch mark on the ottoman:

And the leather on the ottoman looks totally used:

Even the delivery guys thought this was crap. The saving grace? I called them and they are willing to deliver another set on Sunday and exchange it out. We'll see if I just happened to get the one lemon from the apple truck, or whether all Dania sells is lemons pretending to be apples.

On a positive note, I was able to sell the 5' and 3' Lovesacs yesterday, so I only have one 5' one left to sell. Bunch of offers coming in so we'll see how much I can get for this last one. The good part is since we deflated the air mattress in her "closet", we can fit the Lovesac there for now, so it's not that big a rush to sell it.


Sara Songi said...

update: after the third try, dania finally delivered a couch we could live with.. still having leather repair fix some minor scratches.. thanks babes, loving the couch :)

Unknown said...

I am looking to buy the same couch. An experience or tips you could provide me with would be much appreciated.

I am a little worried that your experience was so bad.

Lastly, how do you like the couch now after it's been worn a bit. The leather seems like it has a naturally worn look.